Tuesday, June 30, 2009

what goes on in three years..

this blog was suppose to be cooler but i don't have the creativity i though i did.

from looking superrr young and dorky..
to only semi young and dorky -------------
went from being invited to creation '06 to..

going on four mission trips (even if they weren't all out of the country or scary)
little iris dawn has gone from second grade to just about to enter 2nd grade
to entering her last year of elementary school this fall. (even though she still looks like a second grader)

to taking a different path from my closest friend junior year

[no picture because i don't know what i did with all of them]

to gaining a second family that is always there no matter WHAT the situation be it death, birthdays, baptisms, just because, missions, happiness, sadness, just anything. i love them a ton!!!

Monday, June 29, 2009

countdown run summa '09

so here is my countdown for the summer of '09 something may or
may not happen but hey at least it's something to think about and look
forward to.

i might be goin to creation fest for the fourth time but just
for the day depending if anyone wants to go with so yeah but it's at the end of july sometime.

if nothing falls through i'm heading to south dakota again on the 23rd of july!!
i'm reallyyy hoping mya will be there.
then on august 29th missy bought tickets to see hinder, nickleback, papa roach and some other band. her plan is to just sleep on the ground at the gorge however my plan is to be the DD and get us home that night haha it should be funnn.

then mare and i have talked about going to back to disneyland without our mom since we got back from there like 9 or 10 years ago. so randomly we have planned and booked a trip there! if things go as planned we leave september 10 and we arrive back home the 15th. we will have a five day park hopper with a ticket to universal.

any who this is my countdown as of right now.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

discovering james..

i have been trying to read james every night and sometimes also during the day. i am not sure what i have been looking for but things are starting to stick out. i have been having trouble tyring to figure out how this applies to my own life but what i have come to think so far is..

james 1:22-25 is that has been sticking out to me most..

22Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. 23Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like a man who looks at his face in a mirror 24and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. 25But the man who looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues to do this, not forgetting what he has heard, but doing it—he will be blessed in what he does.

i have been doing exactly what it says not to. i have been listening for almost two years but doing nothing else just listening. i don't even think i have taken the time to really hear anything.. just been going along in my own little world. that is something that i need to change. people have tried to help me out to show me better options for my life to push me in the right direction. church is something i have been trying to avoid in any form and i can easily see that it could be because i do just want to listen and not act on anything if it's not something i want which lately i think that has been the case.

well yeah.. that is what i have gotten so far. i may be getting the totally wrong thing out of this and if that's the case i sure hope someone will re-direct me.


soo i got to visit with my 2nd grade best friend! it's weird that even if we don't really get to talk for over a year we still pick up right where we left off i love it. we have known each other for 12 whole years! it's crazy i remember when we would play tag on the pirate plank at john campbell with mary, brain, and the argon twins.
any who we met at lince and talked for about 45 minutes then decided to walk up to his house and watch a movie. i have been to his house but like never stayed for any amount of time just before a dance or meeting up to walk to school.. and well he has like a home theatre. it's great there is a nice projection screen with red curtains on both sides like a real theatre and then three nice leather recliners with cup holders. i was very impressed. we went through all his like hundreds of movies and decided to watch saved because he said it was like juno and well i pretty much love that movie. i have to say some parts were awkward to watch with him just cause but it was super funny i loved it.
but yesss it was a great visit with my best guy friend. i missed him a ton.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

beauty of a storm

lately i have really just wanted to escape.
you know how sometimes you feel like you just want to get away from everything.
i love my life i do but sometimes it's just overwhelming. nothing major it just gets to be a little too much. things have been going alright but i feel like i can't breathe like some how i am trapped like something is just holding me back tying me down... but yet can't seem to put my finger on it. i want a full blown storm to erupt.
to be outside in the middle of the storm right now seems so perfect.
storms to me seem like a way of just letting loose not holding anything back and just letting go.
i mean rain pours, lighting strikes, thunder rolls like the skies are breaking down but yet it's beautiful in some amazing way.