Sunday, January 17, 2010

just a blog.

i am blogging for absolutely no reason.
today has not been amazing but that's okay because it's almost over ;)

sometimes i try to see if i really have a basis to be against certain people or upset with certain people. then they do something that reminds me that i think i really do. gah :( nights like tonight or days like today i wish didn't have to occur.

it's all okay. i can only say oh well and ignore it.

believe it or not i do realize how dry and dull my blogs are but i just am not sure how to word certain things. or how to express what's going on truly in my head.

one of the changes i was going to make this year was to be true to my emotions. to express what i want to and not hold back in certain ways. it may not make sense or sound ridiculous but to me it's sort of a big thing. and if i follow through with that change hah no doubt i will be letting out a lot by the time i go to bed. i'm dumb when i'm tired and flustered. thanks for reading i will stop the pain of such a pointless blog now.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

it's a little late to be blogging.

it's almost midnight and i am fully exhausted yet i can't seem to want to go to bed.

i just got off work. after what i thought was going to be a tough night it was even thougher. i am going to be aching tomorrow or today?

my head is spinning. which could either be bad or good my thoughts are all over the place i'm such a nerd.. oh yes.

this is a dumb blog and i'm honestly (a word i seem to be using alot today along with douch) not sure why i'm writing it but i am.

i guess since i really don't have much to say at the moment other than i am completely and fully tired i can't sleep ;) strange i know i'm a tard.
